Monday, September 16, 2013

Please stop creating prejudice against your children

I see it all the time in the news, on the internet, in the newspapers, I hear it on the radio.  There is a majority of people who create an instant prejudice against their child, themselves, or their abilities.  “I have an autistic child.” “We hire autistic adults.”  “I have special needs child.”  No, you have a child who has autism, or you hire adults with autism, or your child has special needs in the classroom.  

This is called Person First Language (PFL) and it is one of my biggest pet peeves with parents in the community of children with disabilities, but especially with Autism.  When you say “I have an Autistic child” you are boxing them into a diagnosis and allowing that diagnosis to define your child.  It drives me crazy when I hear people say “I am an Autistic Mom.”  Really?  You are a Mom.  Your child has a disability called Autism…the autism doesn’t have your child. 

You wouldn’t walk around saying “I am a constipated adult.” Would you?  Well, maybe some of you would.  When we say things like that we are already assigning a sigma and limitations to our child and taking away from who they are as a person.  Your child is a sweet boy who loves music, playing with trains, reading books, and by the way, he also has Autism.  

Children (and anyone) with disabilities deserve the same respect and dignity you would afford anyone else.  So put the person first, not the disability.  It’s like gender, ethnicity, hair color, temperament….disability is only ONE aspect of many characteristics of being human.

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